Changes to CAB in Daily minor edits

Added (150)

Updated by nklazenga 2024-05-04 03:27:12.244
Updated by nklazenga 2024-05-10 13:20:47.952
Bartramia papillata Hook.f. & Wilson, legitimate Klazenga, N. (10 May 2024), Ausmoss: Census of Australian bryophytes Bartramia acerosa Müll.Hal. & Hampe, legitimate (1856) taxonomic synonymBartramia fragilis Mitt., legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 23:20:30.585
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 23:25:33.77
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-21 23:03:53.72
Ptychostomum imbricatulum (Müll.Hal.) Holyoak & N.Pedersen, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Bryum caespiticium Hedw., legitimate (1801) taxonomic synonymBryum angustifolium Brid., legitimate (1817) taxonomic synonymBryum caespiticium var. crinitum Wilson, legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonymBryum laxirete Broth., nom. illeg. (1916) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-20 23:17:02.28
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-17 16:42:02.279
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-17 16:44:03.894
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 19:29:17.254
Lewinskya rupestris var. rupestris, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Orthotrichum praeperistomatum Venturi, legitimate (1896) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum rupestriforme Venturi, legitimate (1896) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum sullivanii Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 19:29:34.05
Lewinskya tasmanica var. tasmanica, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Orthotrichum lawrencei Mitt., legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum laterale Hampe, legitimate (1876) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum lateciliatum Venturi, legitimate (1893) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum lateciliatum var. apiculatum Venturi, legitimate (1896) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum encalyptaceum Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum encalyptaceum var. tenuisetum Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum whiteleggei Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 18:24:55.75
Meesia uliginosa Hedw., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Meesia muelleri Müll.Hal. & Hampe, legitimate (1856) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 18:13:54.646
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-17 01:43:55.242
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-20 20:07:56.655
Warburgiella leptorhynchoides (Mitt.) M.Fleisch., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Warburgiella cupressinoides Müll.Hal. ex Broth., legitimate (1900) taxonomic synonymRhaphidostegium subleptorhynchoides M.Fleisch., legitimate (1905) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-17 01:15:19.511
Updated by nklazenga 2023-06-12 14:41:40.57
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 12:06:03.614
Aongstroemia campylophylla (Taylor) Müll.Hal., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Dicranella wattsii Broth., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymDicranum cardotii R.Br.bis, legitimate (1903) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 12:08:12.898
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 12:25:33.143
Aongstroemia schreberiana (Hedw.) Bonfim Santos & Fedosov, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Dicranella schreberi Schimp., legitimate (1856) taxonomic synonymAnisothecium crispum Lindb., legitimate (1878) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 11:04:06.11
Campylopodium capillaceum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Fife, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Didymodon medius Duby, legitimate (1846) taxonomic synonymAongstroemia euphoroclada Müll.Hal., legitimate (1848) taxonomic synonymDicranodontium flexipes Mitt., legitimate (1867) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-20 21:52:38.049
Bucklandiella crispula (Hook.f. & Wilson) Bedn.-Ochyra & Ochyra, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Racomitrium heterostichum (Hedw.) Brid., legitimate (1819) taxonomic synonymGrimmia symphyodonta Müll.Hal., legitimate (1849) taxonomic synonymGrimmia emersa Müll.Hal., legitimate (1851) taxonomic synonymGrimmia chlorocarpa Mitt., legitimate (1879) taxonomic synonymGrimmia pseudopatens Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymGrimmia sullivanii Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-20 22:02:27.438
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 15:13:04.562
Updated by nklazenga 2023-09-18 11:29:17.137
Schistidium australiense Ochyra, legitimate Klazenga, N. (September 2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v.2023-09-18 Grimmia antipodum Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymGrimmia readeri Broth., legitimate (1902) taxonomic synonymGrimmia truncatoapocarpa Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 00:06:10.502
Gertrudiella torquata (Taylor) J.A.Jiménez & M.J.Cano, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Barbula amoena Müll.Hal., nom. illeg. (1898) taxonomic synonymBarbula cylindrangia Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 01:41:34.548
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 01:28:13.138
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 20:40:13.234
Updated by nklazenga 2024-05-04 14:00:13.258
Pseudocrossidium adustum M.J.Cano, legitimate Klazenga, N. (4 May 2024), AusMoss: Census of Australian bryophytes Tortula brachyphylla Mitt., legitimate (1882) taxonomic synonymBarbula brachyphylla Hampe, nom. illeg. (1860) taxonomic synonymBarbula hampeana Paris, legitimate (1894) taxonomic synonymBarbula subspiralis Hampe, legitimate (1864) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-17 12:32:55.366
Syntrichia lithophila (Dusén) Ochyra & R.H.Zander, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Leptotrichum glaciale Müll.Hal., legitimate (1851) taxonomic synonymTortula pygmaea Dusén, legitimate (1907) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-10-03 15:46:53.525
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 20:11:33.99
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 15:44:08.692
Updated by nklazenga 2023-09-29 15:47:05.528

Removed (162)

Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
Tas, HI, MI 
Updated by nklazenga 2023-05-27 10:53:54.846
Pyrrhobryum mnioides subsp. contortum (Wilson) Fife, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Mnium hookeri Müll.Hal., legitimate (1851) taxonomic synonymMnium mossmanianum Müll.Hal., legitimate (1851) taxonomic synonymRhizogonium mnioides var. lutescens Wilson, legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonymPolytrichum gullweri Hampe, legitimate (1876) taxonomic synonym
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Bartramia robusta Hook.f. & Wilson, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Bartramia papillata Hook.f. & Wilson, legitimate (1854) taxonomic synonymBartramia acerosa Müll.Hal. & Hampe, legitimate (1856) taxonomic synonymBartramia fragilis Mitt., legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonym
CAB Comment
Global APC Dist. given in Flora of Australia treatment (Bell 2006: 254) differs from that given by Fransén (2004a: fig. 16) and includes the distribution of Bartramia ithyphylla. Bartramia robusta is restricted to Australia, New Zealand, Tristan da Cunha, Crozet Is., and Kerguelen.
W.A., S.A., Qld, N.S.W., A.C.T., Vic., Tas., Macquarie I., Heard I.
CAB Dist.
Qld, Vic 
Updated by nklazenga 2019-11-14 10:51:16.02
Gemmabryum caespiticium (Hedw.) J.R.Spence, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2019), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2019-08-26 Bryum angustifolium Brid., legitimate (1817) taxonomic synonymBryum caespiticium var. crinitum Wilson, legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonymBryum laxirete Broth., nom. illeg. (1916) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Orthotrichum rupestre Schleich. ex Schwägr. var. rupestre, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Orthotrichum praeperistomatum Venturi, legitimate (1896) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum rupestriforme Venturi, legitimate (1896) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum sullivanii Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Orthotrichum tasmanicum Hook.f. & Wilson var. tasmanicum, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Orthotrichum lawrencei Mitt., legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonymOrthodontium lawrencei Mitt. ex Wijk, Margad. & Florsch., nom. inval. (1964) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum laterale Hampe, legitimate (1876) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum lateciliatum Venturi, legitimate (1893) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum lateciliatum var. apiculatum Venturi, legitimate (1896) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum encalyptaceum Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum eucalyptaceum Müll.Hal. ex Broth., nom. inval. (1902) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum encalyptaceum var. tenuisetum Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum whiteleggei Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymOrthotrichum campbelliae Watts & Whitel., nom. inval., nom. nud. (1906) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
SA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas 
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
WA, SA, NSW, Vic, Tas, HI, MI 
CAB Dist.
WA, SA, Qld, Vic, Tas 
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
NSW, Tas 
Updated by nklazenga 2023-06-02 01:15:32.843
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
WA, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Brachythecium plumosum (Hedw.) Schimp., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Hypnum pseudoplumosum Brid., legitimate (1801) taxonomic synonymBrachythecium kayseri Geh., legitimate (1876) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, LHI 
CAB Dist.
SA, NSW, Vic, Tas 
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
NSW, NI, ACT, Vic, Tas 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Warnstorfia exannulata (Schimp.) Loeske, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Rhynchostegium pseudostramineum Mitt., legitimate (1882) taxonomic synonymHypnum pseudostramineum Hampe, nom. illeg. (1872) taxonomic synonymHypnum stramineoides Sauerb., legitimate (1879) taxonomic synonymAmblystegium campylopodioides Broth. ex Burges, nom. inval., nom. nud. (1935) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
NSW, ACT, Vic 
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, LHI, Vic, Tas 
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
LHI, Vic, Tas, HI, MI 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW 
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas 
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Sematophyllum subpinnatum (Brid.) E.Britton, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Sematophyllum caespitosum Mitt., legitimate (1869) taxonomic synonymRhaphidostegium ovale Broth., legitimate (1890) taxonomic synonymRhaphidostegium pseudodemissum Müll.Hal. ex Burges, nom. inval., nom. nud. (1935) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, Qld, NSW, Vic 
Updated by nklazenga 2023-06-06 19:26:32.277
Warburgiella cupressinoides Müll.Hal. ex Broth., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian Bryophytes v. 2023-02-28 Stereodon leptorhynchoides Mitt., legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonymRhaphidostegium subleptorhynchoides M.Fleisch., legitimate (1905) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2019-12-14 13:22:51.36
Updated by nklazenga 2019-12-14 13:08:14.016
Thuidiopsis sparsa var. sparsa, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2019), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2019-08-26 Hypnum unguiculatum Hook.f. & Wilson, legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonymHypnum suberectum Hampe, legitimate (1860) taxonomic synonymThuidium liliputanum Broth., legitimate (1900) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Trematodon adaequans Geh. ex G.Roth, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Trematodon abruptus Watts & Whitel., nom. inval., nom. nud. (1902) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
CAB Comment
The exact locality of the only Australian collection is uncertain (Reese & Stone, 1995: 14) and the collection was made long before the species was described.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Campylopodium medium (Duby) Giese & J.-P.Frahm, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Aongstroemia euphoroclada Müll.Hal., legitimate (1848) taxonomic synonymDicranodontium flexipes Mitt., legitimate (1867) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
NSW, Tas, HI, MI 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas 
CAB Dist.
SA, NSW, Vic, Tas 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Dicranella schreberiana (Hedw.) Hilf. ex H.A.Crum & L.E.Anderson, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Dicranella schreberi Schimp., legitimate (1856) taxonomic synonymAnisothecium crispum Lindb., legitimate (1878) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic 
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Pleuridium nervosum (Hook.) Mitt. var. nervosum, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Phascum gracilentum Mitt., legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonymPhascum curvulum Taylor, legitimate (1869) taxonomic synonymAstomum subexserens Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymAstomum sullivanii Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymAstomum exsereus Müll.Hal., nom. inval., nom. nud. (1901) taxonomic synonymPleuridium exserens Watts & Whitel., nom. inval. (1902) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW, LHI, ACT, Vic, Tas 
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic 
CAB Dist.
NT, Qld 
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic, Tas, HI, MI 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Kiaeria pumila (Mitt.) Ochyra, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Symblepharis pumila Mitt., legitimate (1867) nomenclatural synonymTrichostomum falcatum R.Br.bis, legitimate (1897) taxonomic synonymHolodontium falcatum (R.Br.bis) Wijk & Margad., legitimate (1960) taxonomic synonymDicranum aucklandicum Dixon, legitimate (1915) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic 
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Grimmia pulvinata var. africana (Hedw.) Hook.f. & Wilson, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Dryptodon obtusus Brid., legitimate (1826) taxonomic synonymGrimmia cygnicolla Taylor, legitimate (1846) taxonomic synonymGrimmia pygmaea Müll.Hal., legitimate (1849) taxonomic synonymGrimmia trichophylla var. australis Hampe, nom. illeg. (1849) taxonomic synonymGrimmia callosa Müll.Hal. & Hampe, legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymGuembelia obtusata Müll.Hal. & Hampe, legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymGrimmia basaltica Mitt., legitimate (1867) taxonomic synonymGrimmia tasmanica Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymGrimmia woollsiana Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
WA, SA, Qld, NSW, LHI, ACT, Vic, Tas 
CAB Dist.
Updated by nklazenga 2023-05-29 18:26:19.956
Racomitrium crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Hook.f. & Wilson, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian Bryophytes v. 2023-02-28 Grimmia symphyodonta Müll.Hal., legitimate (1849) taxonomic synonymGrimmia emersa Müll.Hal., legitimate (1851) taxonomic synonymRacomitrium heterostichum var. tasmanicum Hampe, legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymGrimmia chlorocarpa Mitt., legitimate (1879) taxonomic synonymGrimmia pseudopatens Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymGrimmia sullivanii Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic 
Updated by nklazenga 2023-05-29 22:42:19.949
Schistidium apocarpum (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian Bryophytes v. 2023-02-28 Grimmia mutica Hampe, legitimate (1860) taxonomic synonymGrimmia antipodum Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymGrimmia readeri Broth., legitimate (1902) taxonomic synonymGrimmia truncatoapocarpa Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymGrimmia atrichoides Paris, nom. illeg. () taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
WA, SA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas, HI, MI
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic, Tas 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Blindia robusta Hampe, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Blindia tenuifolia Mitt., legitimate (1869) taxonomic synonymDicranum angustifolium Hook.f. & Wilson, legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonymBlindia tasmanica Sainsbury, legitimate (1953) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas, HI, MI 
CAB Comment
Australian material belongs to var. ambigua.
CAB Dist.
WA, SA, NSW, Vic 
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas 
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, Qld, NSW 
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic 
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, Qld 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Calyptopogon mnioides (Schwägr.) Broth., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Barbula crispata Hampe, legitimate (1876) taxonomic synonymBarbula wilhelmii Müll.Hal., legitimate (1897) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
SA, NSW, Vic, Tas 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Didymodon australasiae (Hook. & Grev.) R.H.Zander, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Barbula menziesiana Spreng., nom. inval. (1827) taxonomic synonymTrichostomum calcicola Hampe, legitimate (1844) taxonomic synonymBarbula rufiseta Taylor, legitimate (1846) taxonomic synonymTrichostomum fuscescens Hook.f. & Wilson, legitimate (1854) taxonomic synonymTortula fuscescens Hook.f. & Wilson ex Hook.f., nom. inval. (1867) taxonomic synonymBarbula acrophylla Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymBarbula nanocaulis Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
WA, SA, NSW, Vic, Tas 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Didymodon tophaceus (Brid.) Lisa, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Trichostomum tophaceum Brid., legitimate (1818) nomenclatural synonymBarbula wildii Broth., legitimate (1890) taxonomic synonymTortula wildii Broth. ex F.M.Bailey, nom. inval., nom. nud. (1891) taxonomic synonymTrichostomum wildii (Broth.) Kindb., legitimate (1891) taxonomic synonymDidymodon wildii (Broth.) Broth., legitimate (1902) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Didymodon torquatus (Taylor) Catches., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Barbula torquata Taylor, legitimate (1846) nomenclatural synonymTortula torquata (Taylor) Wilson, legitimate (1854) nomenclatural synonymBarbula subtorquata Müll.Hal. & Hampe, legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymTortula subtorquata (Müll.Hal. & Hampe) Mitt., legitimate (1882) taxonomic synonymDidymodon subtorquatus (Müll.Hal. & Hampe) Catches., legitimate (1980) taxonomic synonymTortula crispifolia Mitt., legitimate (1867) taxonomic synonymBarbula crispifolia (Mitt.) A.Jaeger, legitimate (1873) taxonomic synonymBarbula luehmannii Broth. & Geh., legitimate (1895) taxonomic synonymDidymodon luehmannii (Broth. & Geh.) Catches., legitimate (1980) taxonomic synonymBarbula chrysochaete Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymBarbula chrysopus Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas 
CAB Dist.
WA, SA, NSW, ACT, Vic 
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
WA, Vic 
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW, Vic 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
SA, Qld, NSW, Vic 
CAB Dist.
SA, NSW, Vic, Tas 
CAB Dist.
SA, NSW, Vic 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Entosthodon productus Mitt., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Entosthodon minuticaulis Müll.Hal. ex Geh., legitimate (1897) taxonomic synonymFunaria perpusilla Broth., legitimate (1916) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
WA, SA, Vic, Tas 
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic, Tas, HI, MI 
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic, Tas 
CAB Dist.
NSW, Tas 
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Telaranea centipes (Taylor) R.M.Schust., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Jungermannia centipes Taylor ex Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees, nom. inval., nom. nud. (1845) nomenclatural synonymLepidozia centipes Taylor ex Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees, legitimate (1845) nomenclatural synonym
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Telaranea clatritexta (Steph.) J.J.Engel & G.L.Merr., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Lepidozia clatritexta Steph., legitimate (1909) nomenclatural synonymNeolepidozia clatritexta (Steph.) Fulford & J.Taylor, legitimate (1959) nomenclatural synonymLepidozia whiteleggeana Steph., legitimate (1909) taxonomic synonymLepidozia complanata Herzog, legitimate (1951) taxonomic synonymTelaranea complanata (Herzog) J.J.Engel & G.L.Merr., legitimate (1996) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Telaranea grossiseta (Steph.) J.J.Engel & R.M.Schust., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Lepidozia grossiseta Steph., legitimate (1909) nomenclatural synonymNeolepidozia grossiseta (Steph.) Fulford & J.Taylor, legitimate (1959) nomenclatural synonym
CAB Dist.
NSW, Tas
CAB Dist.
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Telaranea patentissima (Hook.f. & Taylor) E.A.Hodgs., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Jungermannia patentissima Hook.f. & Taylor, legitimate (1844) nomenclatural synonymLepidozia patentissima (Hook.f. & Taylor) Taylor ex Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees, legitimate (1845) nomenclatural synonym
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Telaranea praenitens (Lehm. & Lindenb.) E.A.Hodgs., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Jungermannia praenitens Lehm. & Lindenb., legitimate (1834) nomenclatural synonymLepidozia praenitens (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Lehm. & Lindenb. ex Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees, legitimate (1845) nomenclatural synonym
CAB Dist.
WA, Tas
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Telaranea quadriseta (Steph.) J.J.Engel & G.L.Merr., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Lepidozia quadriseta Steph., legitimate (1909) nomenclatural synonymLepidozia quadricilia Steph., legitimate (1922) taxonomic synonymTelaranea quadricilia (Steph.) J.J.Engel & G.L.Merr., legitimate (1999) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, Vic
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Telaranea tasmanica (Steph.) J.J.Engel & G.L.Merr., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Lepidozia tasmanica Steph., legitimate (1909) nomenclatural synonymParacromastigum tasmanicum (Steph.) R.M.Schust., legitimate (2000) nomenclatural synonym
CAB Dist.
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Telaranea tetradactyla (Hook.f. & Taylor) E.A.Hodgs., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Jungermannia tetradactyla Hook.f. & Taylor, legitimate (1844) nomenclatural synonym
CAB Dist.
SA, Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Telaranea tridactylis (Lehm. & Lindenb.) J.J.Engel & G.L.Merr., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Jungermannia tridactylis Lehm. & Lindenb., legitimate (1832) nomenclatural synonymLepidozia oldfieldiana Steph., legitimate (1909) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
Qld, Vic, Tas
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, Vic
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.

Modified (206)

Before (11/06/2023 03:35 pm) After (10/05/2024 01:25 pm)
Plantae / Anthocerotophyta / Anthocerotopsida / Anthocerotidae / Anthocerotales / Anthocerotaceae / Anthoceros / fragilis Plantae / Anthocerotophyta / Anthocerotopsida / Anthocerotidae / Anthocerotales / Anthocerotaceae / Anthoceros / fragilis
Updated by nklazenga 2023-09-28 20:04:04.052
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Anthocerotophyta / Anthocerotopsida / Anthocerotidae / Anthocerotales / Anthocerotaceae / Folioceros / fuciformis Plantae / Anthocerotophyta / Anthocerotopsida / Anthocerotidae / Anthocerotales / Anthocerotaceae / Folioceros / fuciformis
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Anthocerotophyta / Anthocerotopsida / Dendrocerotidae / Dendrocerotales / Dendrocerotaceae / Dendrocerotoideae / Dendroceros / difficilis Plantae / Anthocerotophyta / Anthocerotopsida / Dendrocerotidae / Dendrocerotales / Dendrocerotaceae / Dendrocerotoideae / Dendroceros / difficilis
CAB Comment
Listed as "<i>Dendroceros</i> cf. <i>difficilis</i>" by P.M.McCarthy, <i>Checkl. Austral. Liverworts and Hornworts</i> 35 (2003).
CAB Comment
Listed as "<i>Dendroceros</i> cf. <i>difficilis</i>" by P.M.McCarthy, <i>Checkl. Austral. Liverworts and Hornworts</i> 35 (2003).
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Anthocerotophyta / Anthocerotopsida / Notothylatidae / Notothyladales / Notothyladaceae / Phaeoceros / engelii Plantae / Anthocerotophyta / Anthocerotopsida / Notothylatidae / Notothyladales / Notothyladaceae / Phaeoceros / engelii
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Anthocerotophyta / Anthocerotopsida / Notothylatidae / Notothyladales / Notothyladaceae / Phaeoceros / evanidus Plantae / Anthocerotophyta / Anthocerotopsida / Notothylatidae / Notothyladales / Notothyladaceae / Phaeoceros / evanidus
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
Plantae / Anthocerotophyta / Anthocerotopsida / Notothylatidae / Notothyladales / Notothyladaceae / Phaeoceros / inflatus Plantae / Anthocerotophyta / Anthocerotopsida / Notothylatidae / Notothyladales / Notothyladaceae / Phaeoceros / inflatus
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Aulacomniaceae / Aulacomniaceae / Hymenodontopsis / mnioides Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Aulacomniaceae / Aulacomniaceae / Hymenodontopsis / mnioides
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-20 18:54:45.343
Hymenodontopsis mnioides (Hook.) N.E.Bell, A.E.Newton & D.Quandt, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Mnium hookeri Müll.Hal., legitimate (1851) taxonomic synonym Mnium mossmanianum Müll.Hal., legitimate (1851) taxonomic synonym Rhizogonium mnioides var. contortum Wilson, legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonym Rhizogonium mnioides var. lutescens Wilson, legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonym Polytrichum gullweri Hampe, legitimate (1876) taxonomic synonym
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Bartramiales / Bartramiaceae / Philonotis / tenuis Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Bartramiales / Bartramiaceae / Philonotis / tenuis
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Philonotis tenuis (Taylor) Reichardt, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Bartramia fertilis Mitt., legitimate (1856) taxonomic synonym Bartramia pseudomollis Müll.Hal., legitimate (1872) taxonomic synonym
Bartramia dicranellacea Müll.Hal., legitimate (1901) taxonomic synonym
Philonotis austrofalcata Broth. & Watts, legitimate (1912) taxonomic synonym Philonotis rigens Broth., legitimate (1914) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 23:18:13.05
Philonotis tenuis (Taylor) Reichardt, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian Bryophytes v. 2023-02-28 Bartramia fertilis Mitt., legitimate (1856) taxonomic synonym
Bartramia dicranellacea Müll.Hal., legitimate (1901) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW, LHI, NI, ACT, Vic, Tas, HI, MI
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW, LHI, NI, ACT, Vic, Tas, HI, MI
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Bryales / Bryaceae / Gemmabryum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Bryales / Bryaceae / Gemmabryum
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Bryales / Bryaceae / Gemmabryum / klinggraefii Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Bryales / Bryaceae / Gemmabryum / klinggraeffii
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Bryales / Bryaceae / Ptychostomum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Bryales / Bryaceae / Ptychostomum
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Hedwigiales / Hedwigiaceae Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Hedwigiales / Hedwigiaceae
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-17 11:48:19.79
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Hedwigiales / Rhacocarpaceae / Rhacocarpus Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Hedwigiales / Hedwigiaceae / Rhacocarpus
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Orthotrichales / Orthotrichaceae / Orthotrichum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Orthotrichales / Orthotrichaceae / Orthotrichum
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 18:34:56.951
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Orthotrichales / Orthotrichaceae / Ulota / lutea Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Orthotrichales / Orthotrichaceae / Ulota / lutea
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Ulota lutea (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Orthotrichum croceum Hampe, nom. inval., nom. nud. (1881) taxonomic synonym Ulota crocea Watts & Whitel., nom. inval., nom. nud. (1906) taxonomic synonym Ulota lutea var. glaucescens Venturi, legitimate (1896) taxonomic synonym Ulota weymouthii Venturi, legitimate (1913) taxonomic synonym Ulota weymouthii Burchard ex Weymouth, nom. inval., nom. nud. () taxonomic synonym
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Orthotrichales / Orthotrichaceae / Ulota / lutea / lutea Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Orthotrichales / Orthotrichaceae / Ulota / lutea / lutea
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-20 19:38:44.783
Ulota lutea (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. var. lutea, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Ulota lutea var. glaucescens Venturi, legitimate (1896) taxonomic synonym Ulota weymouthii Venturi, legitimate (1913) taxonomic synonym Ulota laticiliata Malta, legitimate (1933) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Orthotrichales / Orthotrichaceae / Zygodon Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Orthotrichales / Orthotrichaceae / Zygodon
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Rhizogoniales / Rhizogoniaceae / Rhizogonium / pennatum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Bryanae / Rhizogoniales / Rhizogoniaceae / Rhizogonium / pennatum
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-17 11:51:08.941
CAB Comment
If varieties are recognised in <i>R. pennatum</i>, Australian material belongs to <a href="1216">var. <i>aristatum</i></a>.
CAB Comment
If varieties are recognised in <i>R. pennatum</i>, Australian material belongs to <a href="1216">var. <i>aristatum</i></a>.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hookeriales / Pilotrichaceae / Callicostella Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hookeriales / Callicostaceae / Callicostella
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hookeriales / Pilotrichaceae / Cyclodictyon Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hookeriales / Callicostaceae / Cyclodictyon
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hookeriales / Pilotrichaceae / Thamniopsis Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hookeriales / Callicostaceae / Thamniopsis
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hookeriales / Daltoniaceae / Calyptrochaeta / flexicollis Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hookeriales / Daltoniaceae / Calyptrochaeta / flexicollis
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 10:29:09.174
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Brachytheciaceae / Brachythecium Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Brachytheciaceae / Brachythecium
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Brachytheciaceae / Eurhynchium Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Brachytheciaceae / Eurhynchium
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Brachytheciaceae / Rhynchostegium Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Brachytheciaceae / Rhynchostegium
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Calliergonaceae / Warnstorfia Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Calliergonaceae / Warnstorfia
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Hypnaceae Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Hypnaceae
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Hypnaceae / Hypnum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Hypnaceae / Hypnum
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Myuriaceae / Oedicladium / rufescens Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Myuriaceae / Oedicladium / rufescens
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 18:43:48.342
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Pylaisiadelphaceae Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Pylaisiadelphaceae
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Sematophyllaceae / Sematophyllum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Sematophyllaceae / Sematophyllum
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Thuidiaceae / Pelekium Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Thuidiaceae / Pelekium
Updated by nklazenga 2023-11-07 19:31:16.638
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Thuidiaceae / Thuidiopsis / sparsa Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnales / Thuidiaceae / Thuidiopsis / sparsa
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-20 19:57:44.006
Thuidiopsis sparsa (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Leskea hastata Mitt., legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonym Hypnum stuartii Müll.Hal., legitimate (1856) taxonomic synonym Hypnum unguiculatum Hook.f. & Wilson, legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonym Hypnum suberectum Hampe, legitimate (1860) taxonomic synonym Thuidium liliputanum Broth., legitimate (1900) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
SA, Qld, NSW, LHI, NI, ACT, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
SA, Qld, NSW, LHI, NI, ACT, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnodendrales / Pterobryellaceae / Pterobryella Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnodendrales / Pterobryellaceae / Pterobryella
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnodendrales / Racopilaceae / Racopilum / cuspidigerum / cuspidigerum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnodendrales / Racopilaceae / Racopilum / cuspidigerum / cuspidigerum
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-17 11:33:05.33
Racopilum cuspidigerum (Schwägr.) Ångstr. var. cuspidigerum, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Racopilum purpurascens Hampe, legitimate (1876) taxonomic synonym Racopilum pacificum Besch., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Ptychomniales / Ptychomniaceae / Euptychium Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Ptychomniales / Ptychomniaceae / Euptychium
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Ptychomniales / Ptychomniaceae / Garovaglia Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Ptychomniales / Ptychomniaceae / Garovaglia
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Ptychomniales / Ptychomniaceae / Hampeella / alaris Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Ptychomniales / Ptychomniaceae / Hampeella / alaris
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 15:23:19.082
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Ptychomniales / Ptychomniaceae / Ptychomnion / pusilla Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Ptychomniales / Ptychomniaceae / Tetraphidopsis / pusilla
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Ptychomniales / Ptychomniaceae / Ptychomnion / pusilla Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Ptychomniales / Ptychomniaceae / Tetraphidopsis / pusilla
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnodendrales / Hypnodendraceae / Bescherellia Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Spiridentaceae / Bescherellia
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnodendrales / Hypnodendraceae / Hypnodendron Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Spiridentaceae / Hypnodendron
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnodendrales / Hypnodendraceae / Mniodendron Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Spiridentaceae / Mniodendron
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Hypnanae / Hypnodendrales / Hypnodendraceae / Spiridens Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Bryidae / Spiridentaceae / Spiridens
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Bruchiaceae / Trematodon / suberectus Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Bruchiaceae / Trematodon / suberectus
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-17 14:37:29.918
Trematodon suberectus Mitt., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Trematodon adaequans Geh. ex G.Roth, legitimate (1913) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranaceae Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranaceae
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranaceae / Hollia / myrmecoa Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranaceae / Hollia / myrmecoa
Updated by nklazenga 2021-07-27 20:47:40.776
Hollia myrmecoa Sieber ex Hoppe, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2021), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2021-07-27 Eucamptodon muelleri Hampe & Müll.Hal., legitimate (1870) taxonomic synonym Eucamptodon squarrosus Besch., legitimate (1873) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-10-03 12:58:03.681
Hollia myrmecoa Sieber ex Hoppe, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2021), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2021-07-27 Eucamptodon muelleri Hampe & Müll.Hal., legitimate (1870) taxonomic synonym Eucamptodon squarrosus Besch., legitimate (1873) taxonomic synonym
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranaceae / Campylopodium Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranellaceae / Campylopodium
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranaceae / Dicranella Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranellaceae / Dicranella
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranaceae / Dicranella Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranellaceae / Dicranella
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranaceae / Dicranella / apophysatula Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranellaceae / Dicranella / apophysatula
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranaceae / Dicranella / baileyana Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranellaceae / Dicranella / baileyana
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranaceae / Dicranella / dietrichiae Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranellaceae / Dicranella / dietrichiae
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranaceae / Dicranella / euryphylla Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranellaceae / Dicranella / euryphylla
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranaceae / Dicranella / howei Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranellaceae / Dicranella / howei
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranaceae / Dicranella / pycnoglossa Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranellaceae / Dicranella / pycnoglossa
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranaceae / Dicranella / stackhousiana Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranellaceae / Dicranella / stackhousiana
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranaceae / Leptotrichella Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Dicranellaceae / Leptotrichella
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Ditrichaceae / Ditrichum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Ditrichaceae / Ditrichum
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Ditrichaceae / Ditrichum / brevirostre Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Ditrichaceae / Ditrichum / brevirostrum
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic, Tas, HI, MI
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic, Tas, HI, MI
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Ditrichaceae / Eccremidium / minutum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Ditrichaceae / Eccremidium / minutum
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Eccremidium minutum (Mitt.) I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Bruchia whiteleggei Müll.Hal., legitimate (1888) taxonomic synonym Bruchia whiteleggei var. minor Müll.Hal., legitimate (1888) taxonomic synonym Ephemerum whiteleggei Broth. & Geh., legitimate (1895) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 12:48:28.343
Eccremidium minutum (Mitt.) I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Bruchia whiteleggei Müll.Hal., legitimate (1888) taxonomic synonym Bruchia whiteleggei var. minor Müll.Hal., legitimate (1888) taxonomic synonym Ephemerum whiteleggei Broth. & Geh., legitimate (1895) taxonomic synonym Eccremidium whiteleggei Broth., legitimate (1901) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Ditrichaceae / Pleuridium / nervosum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Ditrichaceae / Pleuridium / nervosum
Updated by nklazenga 2024-05-04 14:15:45.129
Pleuridium nervosum (Hook.) Mitt., legitimate Klazenga, N. (4 May 2024), AusMoss: Census of Australian bryophytes Phascum gracilentum Mitt., legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonym Phascum curvulum Taylor, legitimate (1869) taxonomic synonym Astomum brachycaulon Müll.Hal., legitimate (1888) taxonomic synonym Astomum viride Müll.Hal., legitimate (1888) taxonomic synonym Astomum subexserens Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym Astomum sullivanii Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym Pleuridium nervosum var. minus Watts & Whitel. ex G.Roth, legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Ditrichaceae / Pleuridium / pappeanum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Ditrichaceae / Pleuridium / pappeanum
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-17 00:06:50.41
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Fissidentaceae / Fissidens / pallidinervis Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Fissidentaceae / Fissidens / pallidinervis
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Rhabdoweisiaceae / Dicranoweisia Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Rhabdoweisiaceae / Dicranoweisia
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Rhabdoweisiaceae / Kiaeria Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Dicranales / Rhabdoweisiaceae / Kiaeria
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Distichiaceae / Distichium Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Distichiaceae / Distichium
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Distichiaceae / Distichium / capillaceum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Distichiaceae / Distichium / capillaceum
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 12:34:43.08
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Grimmiales / Grimmiaceae / Grimmia Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Grimmiales / Grimmiaceae / Grimmia
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Grimmiales / Grimmiaceae / Grimmia / consobrina Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Grimmiales / Grimmiaceae / Grimmia / consobrina
Updated by nklazenga 2024-05-04 14:25:32.479
Grimmia consobrina Müll.Hal., legitimate Klazenga, N. (4 May 2024), AusMoss: Census of Australian bryophytes Grimmia crispatula Müll.Hal. & Hampe, legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
WA, NSW, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Grimmiales / Grimmiaceae / Grimmia / pulvinata Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Grimmiales / Grimmiaceae / Grimmia / pulvinata
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 15:12:46.886
Grimmia pulvinata (Hedw.) Sm., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Fissidens pulvinatus var. africanus Hedw., legitimate (1801) taxonomic synonym Grimmia trichophylla var. australis Hampe, nom. illeg. (1849) taxonomic synonym Grimmia callosa Müll.Hal. & Hampe, legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonym Guembelia obtusata Müll.Hal. & Hampe, legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonym Grimmia basaltica Mitt., legitimate (1867) taxonomic synonym Grimmia tasmanica Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym Grimmia woollsiana Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
CAB Comment
Australian material belongs to <a href="960"><i>G. pulvinata</i> var. <i>africana</i></a> (Greven 2000: 220).
CAB Comment
Australian material belongs to <a href="960"><i>G. pulvinata</i> var. <i>africana</i></a> (Greven 2000: 220).
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Grimmiales / Grimmiaceae / Grimmia / trichophylla Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Grimmiales / Grimmiaceae / Grimmia / trichophylla
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Grimmia trichophylla Grev., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Grimmia crispatula Müll.Hal. & Hampe, legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonym
Grimmia stenophylla Müll.Hal., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2024-05-04 14:22:14.407
CAB Dist.
WA, SA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas, HI, MI
CAB Dist.
WA, SA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas, HI, MI
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Grimmiales / Grimmiaceae / Racomitrium Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Grimmiales / Grimmiaceae / Racomitrium
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Grimmiales / Grimmiaceae / Schistidium / chrysoneuron Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Grimmiales / Grimmiaceae / Schistidium / chrysoneurum
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Grimmiales / Seligeriaceae / Blindia Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Grimmiales / Seligeriaceae / Blindia
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Acaulon Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Acaulon
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Anoectangium / aestivum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Anoectangium / aestivum
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-15 22:51:41.1
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, Vic
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Barbula Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Barbula
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Leptodontium Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Leptodontium
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Microbryum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Microbryum
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Microbryum / starkeanum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Microbryum / starckeanum
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Microbryum starckeanum (Hedw.) R.H.Zander, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Gymnostomum brevicaule Taylor, legitimate (1846) taxonomic synonym Anacalypta cespitulosa Müll.Hal. & Hampe, legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonym Pottia caespitulosa Mitt., nom. inval. (1882) taxonomic synonym Pottia tasmanica Broth., legitimate (1895) taxonomic synonym
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Microbryum starckeanum (Hedw.) R.H.Zander, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Gymnostomum brevicaule Taylor, legitimate (1846) taxonomic synonym Anacalypta cespitulosa Müll.Hal. & Hampe, legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonym Pottia caespitulosa Mitt., nom. inval. (1882) taxonomic synonym Pottia tasmanica Broth., legitimate (1895) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
WA, SA, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
WA, SA, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Pseudocrossidium / hornschuchianum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Pseudocrossidium / hornschuchianum
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Pseudocrossidium hornschuchianum (Schultz) R.H.Zander, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Barbula hornschuchiana Schultz, legitimate (1824) nomenclatural synonym Tortula hornschuchiana (Schultz) De Not., legitimate (1838) nomenclatural synonym Desmatodon adustus Mitt., legitimate (1856) taxonomic synonym Tortula adusta (Mitt.) Mitt., legitimate (1882) taxonomic synonym Tortula brachyphylla Mitt., legitimate (1882) taxonomic synonym Barbula brachyphylla Hampe, nom. illeg. (1860) taxonomic synonym Barbula hampeana Paris, legitimate (1894) taxonomic synonym Barbula subspiralis Hampe, legitimate (1864) taxonomic synonym Tortula subspiralis (Hampe) Broth., legitimate (1902) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
WA, SA, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Syntrichia Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Syntrichia
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 09:53:01.852
Syntrichia Brid., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Calyptopogon (Mitt.) Broth., legitimate (1902) taxonomic synonym Sarconeurum Bryhn, legitimate (1902) taxonomic synonym
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Tortula Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Tortula
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-16 20:14:48.044
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Trichostomum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Trichostomum
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Trichostomum / austrocrispum Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Trichostomum / austrocrispum
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-17 16:24:29.758
Trichostomum austrocrispum (Beckett) R.H.Zander, legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Phascum lanceolatum R.Br.bis, legitimate (1894) taxonomic synonym Astomum novae-valesiae Broth. ex Roth, legitimate (1914) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Triquetrella Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Triquetrella
Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Triquetrella / papillata Plantae / Bryophyta / Bryopsida / Dicraniidae / Pottiales / Pottiaceae / Triquetrella / papillata
Updated by import 2018-03-15 00:00:00.0
Triquetrella papillata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 Leskea rubricaulis Taylor, legitimate (1844) taxonomic synonym Zygodon preissianus Hampe, legitimate (1860) taxonomic synonym Zygodon preissii Kindb., nom. inval. (1888) taxonomic synonym
Triquetrella filiformis Müll.Hal., legitimate (1897) taxonomic synonym
Triquetrella scabra Müll.Hal., legitimate (1897) taxonomic synonym
Zygodon scaber Müll.Hal. ex Geh., nom. inval., nom. nud. (1897) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-12-17 14:53:30.27
Triquetrella papillata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian bryophytes v. 2023-12-15 Leskea rubricaulis Taylor, legitimate (1844) taxonomic synonym Zygodon preissianus Hampe, legitimate (1860) taxonomic synonym
Triquetrella filiformis Müll.Hal., legitimate (1897) taxonomic synonym
Triquetrella fragilis Müll.Hal., legitimate (1897) taxonomic synonym Triquetrella richardsiae Müll.Hal., legitimate (1897) taxonomic synonym
Triquetrella scabra Müll.Hal., legitimate (1897) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
WA, SA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Bryophyta / Polytrichopsida / Polytrichales / Polytrichaceae / Polytrichastrum Plantae / Bryophyta / Polytrichopsida / Polytrichales / Polytrichaceae / Polytrichastrum
Plantae / Bryophyta / Polytrichopsida / Polytrichales / Polytrichaceae / Polytrichum Plantae / Bryophyta / Polytrichopsida / Polytrichales / Polytrichaceae / Polytrichum
Plantae / Bryophyta / Sphagnopsida / Sphagnales / Sphagnaceae / Sphagnum / Subsecunda / novozelandicum Plantae / Bryophyta / Sphagnopsida / Sphagnales / Sphagnaceae / Sphagnum / Subsecunda / novozelandicum
Updated by nklazenga 2023-05-31 10:44:17.044
Sphagnum novozelandicum Mitt., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian Bryophytes v. 2023-02-28 Sphagnum cymbifolioides Müll.Hal., nom. illeg. (1851) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum contortum var. intermedium Wilson, legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum contortum var. laxum Wilson, legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum contortum var. scorpioides Wilson, legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum molliculum Mitt., legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum subcontortum Hampe, legitimate (1876) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum subsecundum var. subcontortum (Hampe) A.Jaeger, legitimate (1880) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum dubiosum Warnst., legitimate (1891) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum pseudorufescens Warnst., legitimate (1893) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum moorei Warnst., legitimate (1895) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum submolliculum Warnst., legitimate (1897) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum sullivanii Müll.Hal., legitimate (1901) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum commutatum Warnst., legitimate (1902) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum laticoma Müll.Hal. ex Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum moorei var. macrophyllum Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum novozelandicum var. commutatum Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum novozelandicum var. laxifolium Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum novozelandicum var. molle Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum novozelandicum var. pauciporosum Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum novozelandicum var. pulvinatum Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum pseudorufescens var. flavescens Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum pseudorufescens var. fuscorufescens Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum pseudorufescens var. pallens Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum pseudorufescens var. virescens Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2024-05-04 13:20:55.326
Sphagnum novozelandicum Mitt., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian Bryophytes v. 2023-02-28 Sphagnum cymbifolioides Müll.Hal., nom. illeg. (1851) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum contortum var. intermedium Wilson, legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum contortum var. laxum Wilson, legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum contortum var. scorpioides Wilson, legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum molliculum Mitt., legitimate (1859) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum subcontortum Hampe, legitimate (1876) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum subsecundum var. subcontortum (Hampe) A.Jaeger, legitimate (1880) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum dubiosum Warnst., legitimate (1891) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum pseudorufescens Warnst., legitimate (1893) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum moorei Warnst., legitimate (1895) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum submolliculum Warnst., legitimate (1897) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum sullivanii Müll.Hal., legitimate (1901) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum commutatum Warnst., legitimate (1902) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum laticoma Müll.Hal. ex Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum moorei var. macrophyllum Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum novozelandicum var. commutatum Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum novozelandicum var. laxifolium Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum novozelandicum var. molle Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum novozelandicum var. pauciporosum Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum novozelandicum var. pulvinatum Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum pseudorufescens var. flavescens Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum pseudorufescens var. fuscorufescens Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum pseudorufescens var. pallens Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym Sphagnum pseudorufescens var. virescens Warnst., legitimate (1911) taxonomic synonym
Plantae / Bryophyta / Sphagnopsida / Sphagnales / Sphagnaceae / Sphagnum / Subsecunda / comosum Plantae / Bryophyta / Sphagnopsida / Sphagnales / Sphagnaceae / Sphagnum / comosum
Updated by nklazenga 2023-05-31 09:07:20.57
Sphagnum comosum Müll.Hal., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian Bryophytes v. 2023-02-28 Sphagnum fuscovinosum Seppelt & H.A.Crum, legitimate (1999) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2024-05-04 13:22:28.799
Sphagnum comosum Müll.Hal., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian Bryophytes v. 2023-02-28 Sphagnum fuscovinosum Seppelt & H.A.Crum, legitimate (1999) taxonomic synonym
Plantae / Bryophyta / Sphagnopsida / Sphagnales / Sphagnaceae / Sphagnum / Subsecunda / comosum Plantae / Bryophyta / Sphagnopsida / Sphagnales / Sphagnaceae / Sphagnum / comosum
Updated by nklazenga 2023-05-31 09:07:20.57
Sphagnum comosum Müll.Hal., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian Bryophytes v. 2023-02-28 Sphagnum fuscovinosum Seppelt & H.A.Crum, legitimate (1999) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2024-05-04 13:22:28.799
Sphagnum comosum Müll.Hal., legitimate Klazenga, N. (2023), Census of Australian Bryophytes v. 2023-02-28 Sphagnum fuscovinosum Seppelt & H.A.Crum, legitimate (1999) taxonomic synonym
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Adelanthaceae / Adelanthus / gemmiparus Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Adelanthaceae / Adelanthus / gemmiparus
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Cephaloziellaceae / Allisoniella / nigra / nigra Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Cephaloziellaceae / Allisoniella / nigra / nigra
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Cephaloziellaceae / Cephaloziella / pulcherrima Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Cephaloziellaceae / Cephaloziella / pulcherrima
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Scapaniaceae / Anastrophyllum Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Scapaniaceae / Anastrophyllum
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Anastrophyllum (Spruce) Steph., legitimate Stephani, F. (1893), Hedwigia 32 Jungermannia subg. Anastrophyllum Spruce, legitimate (1876) basionym
CAB Dist.
Qld, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Qld, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Scapaniaceae / Anastrophyllum / schismoides Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Scapaniaceae / Anastrophyllum / schismoides
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Anastrophyllum schismoides (Mont.) Steph., legitimate Stephani, F. (1893), Hedwigia 32 Jungermannia schismoides Mont., legitimate (1843) basionym
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Scapaniaceae / Diplophyllum / domesticum Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Scapaniaceae / Diplophyllum / domesticum
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Diplophyllum domesticum (Gottsche) Steph., legitimate Stephani, F. (1894), Hedwigia 33 Jungermannia domestica Gottsche, legitimate (1856) basionym
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Scapaniaceae / Scapania Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Scapaniaceae / Scapania
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Scapania (Dumort.) Dumort., nom. cons. CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Radula sect. Scapania Dumort., legitimate (1831) nomenclatural synonym
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Scapaniaceae / Scapania / ampliata Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Cephaloziineae / Scapaniaceae / Scapania / ampliata
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Jungermanniineae / Calypogeiaceae / Mnioloma / stamatotonum Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Jungermanniineae / Calypogeiaceae / Mnioloma / stamatotonum
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Jungermanniineae / Jungermanniaceae / Denotarisia / linguifolia Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Jungermanniineae / Jungermanniaceae / Denotarisia / linguifolia
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Jungermanniineae / Solenostomataceae / Solenostoma / infuscum Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Jungermanniineae / Solenostomataceae / Solenostoma / infuscum
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Acromastigum / cunninghamii Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Acromastigum / cunninghamii
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Acromastigum / echinatiforme Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Acromastigum / echinatiforme
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Acromastigum / verticale Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Acromastigum / verticale
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / amblyphylla Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / amblyphylla
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / citharodes Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / citharodes
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / fuhreri Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / fuhreri
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / gamscottii Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / gamscottii
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / mittenii Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / mittenii
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Bazzania mittenii (Steph.) Steph., legitimate Meagher, D.A. (2011), Studies on Bazzania 4. Bazzania mittenii (Steph.) Steph. (Lepidoziaceae, Marchantiophyta) a re-instated Australasian liverwort and its synonyms. Nova Hedwigia 93(1-2) Mastigobryum mittenii Steph., legitimate (1886) nomenclatural synonym Mastigobryum affine Mitt., nom. illeg. (1854) taxonomic synonym Bazzania nova J.J.Engel & G.L.Merr., legitimate (1994) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
Qld, Vic
CAB Dist.
Qld, Vic
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / sauropoda Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / sauropoda
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / serpentina Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / serpentina
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / subtilis Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / subtilis
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / tessellata Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / tessellata
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / tridens Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / tridens
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / vittata Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / vittata
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / wattsiana Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / wattsiana
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / zonulata Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Bazzania / zonulata
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Isolembidium / anomalum Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Isolembidium / anomalum
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Isolembidium / anomalum / anomalum Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Isolembidium / anomalum / anomalum
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Isolembidium anomalum (Rodway) Grolle var. anomalum, legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Mastigobryum integrifolium Austin, legitimate (1875) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Kurzia Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Kurzia
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Lepidozia / laevifolia Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Lepidozia / laevifolia
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
WA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
WA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Lepidozia / laevifolia / laevifolia Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Lepidozia / laevifolia / laevifolia
CAB Dist.
WA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
WA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Lepidozia / obtusiloba Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Lepidozia / obtusiloba
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Paracromastigum / vastilobum Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Paracromastigum / vastilobum
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
NSW, Tas
CAB Dist.
NSW, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Psiloclada / clandestina Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Psiloclada / clandestina
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Telaranea Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Telaranea
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
WA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
WA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Telaranea / fragilifolia Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Telaranea / fragilifolia
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Telaranea / inaequalis Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lepidoziaceae / Telaranea / inaequalis
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lophocoleaceae / Chiloscyphus / excisifolius Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lophocoleaceae / Chiloscyphus / excisifolius
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic
CAB Dist.
NSW, Vic
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lophocoleaceae / Heteroscyphus / aselliformis Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lophocoleaceae / Heteroscyphus / aselliformis
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lophocoleaceae / Heteroscyphus / zollingeri Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Lophocoleaceae / Heteroscyphus / zollingeri
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Plagiochilaceae / Dinckleria Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Plagiochilaceae / Dinckleria
CAB Dist.
Qld, Tas
CAB Dist.
Qld, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Plagiochilaceae / Plagiochila / banksiana Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Plagiochilaceae / Plagiochila / banksiana
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Plagiochilaceae / Plagiochila / circumdentata Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Plagiochilaceae / Plagiochila / circumdentata
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Plagiochilaceae / Plagiochila / gregaria Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Plagiochilaceae / Plagiochila / gregaria
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Plagiochilaceae / Plagiochila / sciophila Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Plagiochilaceae / Plagiochila / sciophila
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Trichocoleaceae / Trichocolea / hatcheri Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Lophocoleineae / Trichocoleaceae / Trichocolea / hatcheri
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Perssoniellineae / Schistochilaceae / Schistochila / brotheri Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Perssoniellineae / Schistochilaceae / Schistochila / brotheri
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Perssoniellineae / Schistochilaceae / Schistochila / isotachyphylla Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Perssoniellineae / Schistochilaceae / Schistochila / isotachyphylla
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Perssoniellineae / Schistochilaceae / Schistochila / succulenta Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Jungermanniales / Perssoniellineae / Schistochilaceae / Schistochila / succulenta
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Frullaniaceae / Frullania / monocera Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Frullaniaceae / Frullania / monocera
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Frullaniaceae / Frullania / monocera / monocera Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Frullaniaceae / Frullania / monocera / monocera
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Updated by nklazenga 2023-09-29 11:36:40.038
Frullania monocera (Hook.f. & Taylor) Taylor ex Gottsche, Lindenb. & Nees var. monocera, legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Jungermannia monocera Hook.f. & Taylor, legitimate (1845) nomenclatural synonym
Frullania grossiloba Steph., legitimate (1910) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Frullaniaceae / Frullania / nodulosa Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Frullaniaceae / Frullania / nodulosa
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Frullaniaceae / Frullania / repandistipula Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Frullaniaceae / Frullania / repandistipula
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Frullaniaceae / Frullania / rubella Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Frullaniaceae / Frullania / rubella
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Frullaniaceae / Frullania / ternatensis Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Frullaniaceae / Frullania / ternatensis
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Jubulaceae / Jubula / hutchinsiae Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Jubulaceae / Jubula / hutchinsiae
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Jubulaceae / Jubula / hutchinsiae / australiae Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Jubulaceae / Jubula / hutchinsiae / australiae
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Aphanolejeunea Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Aphanolejeunea
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Austrolejeunea Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Austrolejeunea
Updated by nklazenga 2023-09-29 14:45:53.062
Austrolejeunea (R.M.Schust.) R.M.Schust., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Nephelolejeunea Grolle, legitimate (1973) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
WA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
WA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Austrolejeunea / hamata Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Austrolejeunea / hamata
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Austrolejeunea / occidentalis Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Austrolejeunea / occidentalis
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cheilolejeunea / celata Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cheilolejeunea / celata
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cheilolejeunea / decursiva Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cheilolejeunea / decursiva
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Cheilolejeunea decursiva (Sande Lac.) R.M.Schust., legitimate Zhu, R.L. & Lai, M.J. (2005), Cheilolejeunea decursiva (Sande Lac.) R. M Schust and C. ventricosa (Schiffn.) X. L He (Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae) new to Australia. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 98 Lejeunea decursiva Sande Lac., legitimate (1853) nomenclatural synonym Eulejeunea decursiva (Sande Lac.) Schiffn., legitimate (1898) nomenclatural synonym Strepsilejeunea decursiva (Sande Lac.) Herzog, legitimate (1951) nomenclatural synonym Trachylejeunea oahuensis A.Evans, legitimate (1900) taxonomic synonym Cheilolejeunea tisserantii Vanden Berghen & Jovet-Ast, legitimate (1951) taxonomic synonym Cheilolejeunea spathulata Mizut., legitimate (1970) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-09-29 16:09:41.23
Cheilolejeunea decursiva (Sande Lac.) R.M.Schust., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Lejeunea decursiva Sande Lac., legitimate (1853) nomenclatural synonym Eulejeunea decursiva (Sande Lac.) Schiffn., legitimate (1898) nomenclatural synonym Strepsilejeunea decursiva (Sande Lac.) Herzog, legitimate (1951) nomenclatural synonym Trachylejeunea oahuensis A.Evans, legitimate (1900) taxonomic synonym Cheilolejeunea tisserantii Vanden Berghen & Jovet-Ast, legitimate (1951) taxonomic synonym Cheilolejeunea spathulata Mizut., legitimate (1970) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cheilolejeunea / gardneri Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cheilolejeunea / gardneri
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cheilolejeunea / mariana Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cheilolejeunea / mariana
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Cheilolejeunea mariana (Gottsche) B.M.Thiers & Gradst., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Lejeunea mariana Gottsche, legitimate (1845) nomenclatural synonym Archilejeunea mariana (Gottsche) Steph., legitimate (1911) nomenclatural synonym
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cheilolejeunea / streimannii Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cheilolejeunea / streimannii
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cheilolejeunea / ventricosa Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cheilolejeunea / ventricosa
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Cheilolejeunea ventricosa (Schiffn.) X.-L.He, legitimate Zhu, R.L. & Lai, M.J. (2005), Cheilolejeunea decursiva (Sande Lac.) R. M Schust and C. ventricosa (Schiffn.) X. L He (Lejeuneaceae, Hepaticae) new to Australia. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 98 Pycnolejeunea ventricosa Schiffn., nom. inval. (1890) nomenclatural synonym Pycnolejeunea ventricosa Schiffn., legitimate (1898) nomenclatural synonym Pycnolejeunea fitzgeraldii Steph., legitimate (1914) taxonomic synonym Cheilolejeunea fitzgeraldii (Steph.) X.-L.He, legitimate (1995) taxonomic synonym
Updated by nklazenga 2023-09-29 16:18:16.07
Cheilolejeunea ventricosa (Schiffn.) X.-L.He, legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Pycnolejeunea ventricosa Schiffn., nom. inval. (1890) nomenclatural synonym Pycnolejeunea ventricosa Schiffn., legitimate (1898) nomenclatural synonym Pycnolejeunea fitzgeraldii Steph., legitimate (1914) taxonomic synonym Cheilolejeunea fitzgeraldii (Steph.) X.-L.He, legitimate (1995) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cololejeunea Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cololejeunea
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cololejeunea / cardiocarpa Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cololejeunea / cardiocarpa
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Cololejeunea cardiocarpa (Mont.) A.Evans CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Lejeunea cardiocarpa Mont., legitimate (1842) nomenclatural synonym Lejeunia cardiocarpa Mont., orth. var. (1842) nomenclatural synonym Cololejeunea cardiocarpa Steph., nom. inval. (1890) taxonomic synonym
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cololejeunea / iwatsukiana Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cololejeunea / iwatsukiana
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cololejeunea / kapingaensis Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cololejeunea / kapingaensis
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cololejeunea / schmidtii Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Cololejeunea / schmidtii
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Colura Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Colura
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
Qld, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Qld, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Colura / acroloba Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Colura / acroloba
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Colura / ari Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Colura / ari
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Colura ari (Steph.) Steph., legitimate Stephani, F. (1916), Species Hepaticarum 5 Colurolejeunea ari Steph., legitimate (1896) basionym
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Colura / ornata Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Colura / ornata
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Colura / pulcherrima Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Colura / pulcherrima
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Drepanolejeunea Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Drepanolejeunea
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, Tas
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Drepanolejeunea / dactylophora Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Drepanolejeunea / dactylophora
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Drepanolejeunea / levicornua Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Drepanolejeunea / levicornua
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Drepanolejeunea / micholitzii Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Drepanolejeunea / micholitzii
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Drepanolejeunea / pentadactyla Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Drepanolejeunea / pentadactyla
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Lepidolejeunea / integristipula Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Lepidolejeunea / integristipula
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Leptolejeunea Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Leptolejeunea
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Leptolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Lejeunea subg. Leptolejeunea Spruce, legitimate (1884) nomenclatural synonym
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Leptolejeunea / elliptica Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Leptolejeunea / elliptica
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Leptolejeunea / picta Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Leptolejeunea / picta
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Lopholejeunea Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Lopholejeunea
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Lopholejeunea / muelleriana Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Lopholejeunea / muelleriana
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Lopholejeunea / nigricans Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Lopholejeunea / nigricans
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Mastigolejeunea Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Mastigolejeunea
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Mastigolejeunea (Spruce) Steph., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Lejeunea subg. Mastigolejeunea Spruce, legitimate (1884) nomenclatural synonym
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Mastigolejeunea / auriculata Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Mastigolejeunea / auriculata
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Mastigolejeunea / humilis Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Mastigolejeunea / humilis
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Pycnolejeunea Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Pycnolejeunea
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Pycnolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Lejeunea subg. Pycnolejeunea Spruce, legitimate (1884) nomenclatural synonym
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Pycnolejeunea / contigua Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Pycnolejeunea / contigua
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Schiffneriolejeunea Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Schiffneriolejeunea
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Schiffneriolejeunea / cumingiana Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Schiffneriolejeunea / cumingiana
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Schiffneriolejeunea / tumida Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Schiffneriolejeunea / tumida
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Siphonolejeunea Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Siphonolejeunea
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Siphonolejeunea / schiffneri Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Siphonolejeunea / schiffneri
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Spruceanthus Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Spruceanthus
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Spruceanthus / semirepandus Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Spruceanthus / semirepandus
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Stictolejeunea Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Stictolejeunea
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
Stictolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Lejeunea subg. Stictolejeunea Spruce, legitimate (1884) nomenclatural synonym
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Stictolejeunea / balfourii Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Stictolejeunea / balfourii
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Tuyamaella / serratistipa Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae / Tuyamaella / serratistipa
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Radulineae / Radulaceae / Radula / sainsburiana Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Radulineae / Radulaceae / Radula / sainsburiana
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Radulineae / Radulaceae / Radula / scariosa Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Radulineae / Radulaceae / Radula / scariosa
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Metzgeriidae / Metzgeriales / Aneuraceae / Riccardia / bliklika Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Metzgeriidae / Metzgeriales / Aneuraceae / Riccardia / bliklika
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
CAB Dist.
Qld, NSW
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Metzgeriidae / Metzgeriales / Metzgeriaceae / Metzgeria / consanguinea Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Metzgeriidae / Metzgeriales / Metzgeriaceae / Metzgeria / consanguinea
CAB Dist.
CAB Dist.
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Marchantiopsida / Marchantiidae / Marchantiales / Marchantiaceae / Marchantia / polymorpha Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Marchantiopsida / Marchantiidae / Marchantiales / Marchantiaceae / Marchantia / polymorpha
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
Qld (naturalised), NSW (naturalised), ACT (naturalised), Vic (naturalised), Tas (naturalised)
CAB Dist.
Qld (naturalised), NSW (naturalised), ACT (naturalised), Vic (naturalised), Tas (naturalised)
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Marchantiopsida / Marchantiidae / Marchantiales / Ricciaceae / Riccia / duplex Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Marchantiopsida / Marchantiidae / Marchantiales / Ricciaceae / Riccia / duplex
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
NT, SA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
NT, SA, Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Marchantiopsida / Marchantiidae / Marchantiales / Ricciaceae / Riccia / multifida Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Marchantiopsida / Marchantiidae / Marchantiales / Ricciaceae / Riccia / multifida
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Marchantiopsida / Marchantiidae / Marchantiales / Ricciaceae / Riccia / papulosa Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Marchantiopsida / Marchantiidae / Marchantiales / Ricciaceae / Riccia / papulosa
Updated by NSL-2221: via APNI 2019-09-03 11:41:54.468702
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, SA, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, SA, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas