CAB: Marchantiopsida
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CAB (version 10159273) published 10/5/24 by nklazenga
CAB Dist.
WA, NT, SA, Qld (native and naturalised), NSW (native and naturalised), ACT (native and naturalised), Vic (native and naturalised), Tas (native and naturalised)
Plantae / Marchantiophyta
110 sub taxa
Lunularia cruciata (L.) Dumort., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Marchantia cruciata L., legitimate (1753) nomenclatural synonymLunularia vulgaris Micheli ex Raddi, legitimate (1818) taxonomic synonym
Asterella australis (Hook.f. & Taylor) Verd. ex G.A.M.Scott & J.A.Bradshaw, legitimate CHAH (2010), Australian Plant Census Fimbraria australis Hook.f. & Taylor, legitimate (1844) nomenclatural synonymFimbriaria australis Hook.f. & Taylor, orth. var. (1844) nomenclatural synonymAsterella australis (Hook.f. & Taylor) Verd., nom. inval., nom. nud. (1932) nomenclatural synonym
Asterella dioica (Steph.) H.A.Mill., legitimate CHAH (2010), Australian Plant Census Fimbraria dioica Steph., legitimate (1914) nomenclatural synonymFimbriaria dioica Steph., orth. var. (1914) nomenclatural synonym
Asterella drummondii (Taylor) R.M.Schust. ex D.G.Long, legitimate CHAH (2010), Australian Plant Census Fimbraria drummondii Taylor, legitimate (1846) nomenclatural synonymFimbriaria drummondii Taylor, orth. var. (1846) nomenclatural synonymFimbriaria drummondii Taylor, nom. inval., nom. nud. (1844) taxonomic synonymAsterella drummondii R.M.Schust., nom. inval. (1963) taxonomic synonym
Asterella muelleri (Gottsche ex Steph.) R.M.Schust., legitimate CHAH (2010), Australian Plant Census Fimbraria muelleri Gottsche ex Steph., legitimate (1899) nomenclatural synonymFimbriaria muelleri Steph., orth. var. (1899) nomenclatural synonym
Asterella setisquama (Steph.) R.M.Schust., legitimate CHAH (2010), Australian Plant Census Fimbraria setisquama Steph., legitimate (1889) nomenclatural synonymFimbriaria setisquama Steph., orth. var. (1889) nomenclatural synonym
Asterella subplana (Steph.) R.M.Schust., legitimate CHAH (2010), Australian Plant Census Fimbraria subplana Steph., legitimate (1894) nomenclatural synonymFimbriaria subplana Steph., orth. var. (1894) nomenclatural synonym
Asterella tasmanica (Steph.) R.M.Schust., legitimate CHAH (2010), Australian Plant Census Fimbraria tasmanica Steph., legitimate (1899) nomenclatural synonymFimbriaria tasmanica Steph., orth. var. (1899) nomenclatural synonym
Asterella tenella (L.) P.Beauv., legitimate CHAH (2010), Australian Plant Census Marchantia tenella L., legitimate (1753) nomenclatural synonymFimbraria tenella (L.) Nees, legitimate (1820) nomenclatural synonymFimbriaria tenella Nees, orth. var. (1820) nomenclatural synonymFimbraria tenella (L.) Nees var. tenella, legitimate (1835) nomenclatural synonymFimbraria tenella var. porphyrocephala Nees, legitimate (1835) taxonomic synonymFimbriaria tenella var. porphyrocephala Nees, orth. var. (1835) taxonomic synonym
Asterella tenera (Mitt.) R.M.Schust., legitimate CHAH (2010), Australian Plant Census Fimbraria tenera Mitt., legitimate (1855) nomenclatural synonymFimbriaria tenera Mitt., orth. var. (1855) nomenclatural synonym
Asterella tenerrima (Steph.) H.A.Mill., legitimate CHAH (2010), Australian Plant Census Fimbraria tenerrima Steph., legitimate (1917) nomenclatural synonymFimbriaria tenerrima Steph., orth. var. (1917) nomenclatural synonym
Asterella whiteleggeana (Steph.) R.M.Schust., legitimate CHAH (2010), Australian Plant Census Fimbraria whiteleggeana Steph., legitimate (1889) nomenclatural synonymFimbriaria whiteleggeana Steph., orth. var. (1889) nomenclatural synonymFimbraria caucasica Steph., legitimate (1899) doubtful taxonomic synonymFimbriaria caucasica Steph., orth. var. (1899) taxonomic synonymAsterella caucasica (Steph.) Buch, A.Evans & Verd., legitimate (1938) doubtful taxonomic synonym
Plagiochasma rupestre (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Steph., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Aytonia rupestris J.R.Forst. & G.Forst., legitimate (1776) nomenclatural synonymAitonia extensa Steph., legitimate (1893) nomenclatural synonymPlagiochasma australe Nees, legitimate (1846) taxonomic synonymAitonia australis (Nees) Steph., legitimate (1889) taxonomic synonymPlagiochasma extensum (Steph.) Steph., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
Reboulia hemisphaerica (L.) Raddi, legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Marchantia hemisphaerica L., legitimate (1753) nomenclatural synonymAsterella hemisphaerica (L.) P.Beauv., legitimate (1805) nomenclatural synonymPlagiochasma queenslandica Steph., legitimate (1917) taxonomic synonymReboulia queenslandica (Steph.) M.L.Hicks, legitimate (1992) taxonomic synonym
Marchantia berteroana Lehm. & Lindenb., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Marchantia tabularis Nees, legitimate (1838) taxonomic synonymMarchantia polymorpha var. tabularis (Nees) Mitt. ex Gottsche, legitimate (1880) taxonomic synonymMarchantia cephaloscypha Steph., legitimate (1883) taxonomic synonymMarchantia paludicola Steph., legitimate (1914) taxonomic synonym
Marchantia foliacea Mitt., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Marchantia fusca Steph., legitimate (1900) taxonomic synonymMarchantia tasmanica Steph. ex Bonner, legitimate (1953) taxonomic synonym
Marchantia pileata Mitt., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Marchantia pallida Steph., legitimate (1889) taxonomic synonymMarchantia wattsiana Steph. ex Bonner, legitimate (1953) taxonomic synonym
Riccia billardierei Mont. & Nees, legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Riccia billardierii Mont. & Nees, orth. var. (1846) orthographic variantRiccia billardieri Na-Thalang, orth. var. (1980) orthographic variant
Riccia cavernosa Hoffm., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Ricciella multilamellata Steph., legitimate (1889) taxonomic synonymRiccia multilamellata (Steph.) Steph., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
Riccia crinita Taylor, legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Riccia areolata Na-Thalang, legitimate (1980) taxonomic synonymRiccia longiciliata Na-Thalang, legitimate (1980) taxonomic synonym
Riccia crystallina L., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Riccia plana Taylor, legitimate (1846) taxonomic synonymRiccia vesicata Taylor, legitimate (1846) doubtful taxonomic synonym
Riccia macrospora Steph., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Riccia rubrispora Steph., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonymRiccia sellingii S.W.Arnell, legitimate (1962) taxonomic synonym
Riccia multifida (Steph.) Steph. var. multifida, legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Riccia burnettensis Steph., legitimate (1898) taxonomic synonym
Targionia hypophylla L., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Targionia michelii Corda, legitimate (1829) taxonomic synonymTargionia lorbeeriana Mull.Frib., legitimatepro parte misapplication by Muller, K. (1940), Hedwigia 79

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