ABNI Australian Bryophyte Name Index (ABNI)

Showing Ephemerum furcatum
Pottiaceae Schimp.
Ephemerum furcatum I.G.Stone , legitimate, scientific
Stone, I.G. (1996), A revision of Ephemeraceae in Australia. Journal of Bryology 19: 287 [secondary reference]
[comb. nov.]
Stone, I.G. in McCarthy, P.M. (ed.) (2006), Ephemeraceae. Flora of Australia: 165 [secondary reference]
Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16: - CAB [secondary reference]
  • CAB Dist.: WA
  • distribution: W.A. Endemic.
  • remarks: Only known from type locality (Stone 2006c: 165)