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Steph. Name author Stephani, F. Reference author
Author for:
581 names
Base author for:
200 names
Ex author for:
26 names
Ex base author for:
4 names
67 References:
  1. Stephani, F. (1898-1925), Species Hepaticarum
  2. Stephani, F. (1883), Hedwigia 22
  3. Stephani, F. (1884), Hedwigia 23
  4. Stephani, F. (1885), Hedwigia 24
  5. Stephani, F. (1886), Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 8
  6. Stephani, F. (1886), Hedwigia 25
  7. Stephani, F. (1888), Westindische Hepaticae. Hedwigia 27
  8. Stephani, F. (1889), Hepaticae Australiae. Hedwigia 28
  9. Stephani, F. (1889), Hedwigia 29
  10. Stephani, F. (1890), Hedwigia 29
  11. Stephani, F. (1890), Hedwigia 28
  12. Stephani, F. (1892), A revision of Colenso's Hepaticae. Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany 29
  13. Stephani, F. (1893), Hedwigia 32
  14. Stephani, F. (1894), Hedwigia 33
  15. Stephani, F. (1895), Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie 20
  16. Stephani, F. (1895), Hedwigia 34
  17. Stephani, F. (1896), Hepaticarum species novae IX. Hedwigia 35
  18. Stephani, F. (1897), Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 5
  19. Stephani, F. (1898), Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 6
  20. Stephani, F. (1899), Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier 7
  21. Stephani, F. (1899), Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier Series 2 7
  22. Stephani, F. (1899), Species Hepaticarum 1
  23. Stephani, F. (1900), Memoires de l'Herbier Boissier 16
  24. Stephani, F. (1900), Bihang til Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 26 (3,6)
  25. Stephani, F. (1900), Bihang til Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 26(3, 6)
  26. Stephani, F. (1900), Konglliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar 26
  27. Stephani, F. (1900), Memoires de l'Herbier Boissier 11
  28. Stephani, F. (1900), Species Hepaticarum 1
  29. Stephani, F. (1901), Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 26
  30. Stephani, F. (1901), Species Hepaticarum 2
  31. Stephani, F. (1901), Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier Series 2 5
  32. Stephani, F. (1901), Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier Series 2 1
  33. Stephani, F. (1902), Species Hepaticarum 2
  34. Stephani, F. (1902), Botanisk Tidsskrift 24
  35. Stephani, F. (1902), Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier Series 2 2
  36. Stephani, F. (1903), Species Hepaticarum 2
  37. Stephani, F. (1904), Species Hepaticarum 2
  38. Stephani, F. (1905), Species Hepaticarum 3
  39. Stephani, F. (1905), Wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse Schweidischen Sudpolar-Expedition 4(1)
  40. Stephani, F. (1906), Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier Series 2 6
  41. Stephani, F. (1906), Species Hepaticarum 3
  42. Stephani, F. (1906), Species Hepaticarum 2
  43. Stephani, F. (1907), Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier Series 2 7
  44. Stephani, F. (1908), Revue Bryologique 35
  45. Stephani, F. (1908), Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier Series 2 8
  46. Stephani, F. (1908), Species Hepaticarum 3
  47. Stephani, F. (1909), Species Hepaticarum 3
  48. Stephani, F. (1909), Species Hepaticarum 4
  49. Stephani, F. (1909), Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Leipzig 35
  50. Stephani, F. (1910), Species Hepaticarum 4
  51. Stephani, F. (1911), Hedwigia 51
  52. Stephani, F. (1911), Species Hepaticarum 4
  53. Stephani, F. (1912), Species Hepaticarum 4
  54. Stephani, F. (1912), Species Hepaticarum 5
  55. Stephani, F. (1913), Species Hepaticarum 5
  56. Stephani, F. (1914), Species Hepaticarum 5
  57. Stephani, F. (1915), Species Hepaticarum 5
  58. Stephani, F. (1916), Species Hepaticarum 5
  59. Stephani, F. (1916), Species Hepaticarum 5
  60. Stephani, F. (1916), Species Hepaticarum 5
  61. Stephani, F. (1917), Species Hepaticarum 5
  62. Stephani, F. (1917), Species Hepaticarum 6
  63. Stephani, F. (1922), Species Hepaticarum 6
  64. Stephani, F. (1923), Species Hepaticarum 6
  65. Stephani, F. (1924), Species Hepaticarum 6
  66. Stephani, F. (1925), Species Hepaticarum 6
  67. Stephani, F. (1963), Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 57

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